We shall be featuring the offers for Internship from our Alumni and other employers.
We request you to visit http://www.twenty19.com/internships of internship on offer.
Please do post internship offers and also coordinate with with Prof.P.Manikandan coordinator of Training and Placement Centre. He can be reached on mailsofmani@gmail.com and +91 9865415961.

Opportunity :

Organization :

Internship details :

Interview Date / Venue / time :

Last Date to apply :

Eligibility criteria, if any :

Communication from organization, if any

Opportunity :

Organization :

Internship details :

Interview Date / Venue / time :

Last Date to apply :

Eligibility criteria, if any :

Communication from organization, if any

The mission of the Madura College Alumni Association (MCAA) is to be the link between the alumni of The Madura College, their Alma Mater, administration, faculty and students through increased opportunities for a meaningful engagement in the activities of our institution.

It shall be the endeavor of the MCAA to:

Keep alumni conversant with the programmes and activities of the institution.

Maintain, update and manage the Alumni Records database and provide access and service to all University users.

Provide financial support for infrastructural development of the institution.

Continue the process of life-long learning.

Participation in the development and refinement of the educational programs.

Enhance participation in the development and refinement of the educational programs.

Strengthen ties and foster relationship among alumni.

Receive valuable services to enhance the lives and careers of the alumni.

Promote interaction with and among alumni.

Promote a sense of institutional pride among the alumni.

Advancing the unique needs of alumni, while supporting broader institutional goals.

Assist the institution in the growth of its academic, administrative, cultural, and extracurricular activities.

Develop and support alumni volunteer mentorship.

To increase the alumni volunteer base.

To promote pride, tradition, and loyalty among both current students and former students.

The Madura College Alumni Association (MCAA) is administered by an Executive Committee. The present office bearers are