Thanks for your interest to contribute back to your Alma Mater.
The focus now is to bring together all the alumni. Please contribute by inviting friends to join the Alumni Association and share your knowledge mentoring student Alumni.
Here is some of the ways you can contribute to the activities of the Alumni Association and our Alma Mater.
This is a suggestive list. We are sure you would be thinking of more avenues to participate, please do share and we shall update this page and also post your feedback in the website.
ReconnectWe are sure you would want to touch base with your classmates as well as batch mates in other departments. The best way to reconnect is registering in the website and inviting friends to register. If each one of reach out to at least 10 alumni, the database would grow exponentially and help reach out to all Alumni.
ReunionYou may also want to organize a Reunion of your classmates. Our Faculty Coordinator Dr. Mayil Murugan would be happy to coordinate and assist. He can be reached on mayil_madura@yahoo.co.in and 94438 31199 .
Reach out to Alumni ChapterWe are in the process of establishing Chapters in each city.
Pease click on locate your chapter in the home page. Details of Alumni who have volunteered to coordinate chapters is presented. Please join with the city coordinator in strengthening the Alumni base in your city.
In case your city is not covered, please mail to Sri S.Sridharan who can be reached on secretary@maduracollegealumni.org and 93441 06893.
Address the studentsShare your knowledge and experience with the students. The students would love to hear you. It would be our pleasure if you could come down to the campus and have an interactive session with the students
You can reach out to Dr. Mayil Murugan would be happy to coordinate and assist. He can be reached on mayil_madura@yahoo.co.in and 94438 31199.
MentorYou have reached where you are through sheer dint of hard work and application. The path had not always been smooth and if you look back you may wonder if with a bit of mentoring and guidance your road to success could have been smoother.
Inspire the students with your insights on opportunities available and guide them to reach their aspirations.
We would love to have you as a Mentor. Please register in the link for mentoring and the students would reach out to you.
Contribute ArticlesYou would certainly be an expert in your domain, please do share your expertise. We shall be pleased to share your thoughts and if we receive good response it is our desire to publish an e-newsletter.
RecruitAs an interactive community of Alumni we would be happy to share opportunities by facilitating finding jobs and recruiting the right candidates. Our students are on the look out for career opportunities and some of our alumni may contemplate a better opportunity.
Please do post your jobs and also coordinate with Prof.P.Manikandan who is doing a great job as coordinator of Training and Placement Centre. He can be reached on mailsofmani@gmail.com and +91 9865415961.
ParticipateWe shall be publishing details of activities all departments of our college and the Alumni Association.
We invite you to Involve in Alumni Events and College Events.